or like Dad likes to call it ravioli naydey ;p
after going through 3abeer alrashid's cookbook "ilthawaqah 3" i decided to choose something from the a6baq il kuwaitiya section.. oo i chose to try making margoog.. go my ingredients ready for the big day (yesterday)..
it was my 1st time cooking meat!
fa i was really afraid that it would be zafir.. bs ashwa il 7imdillah it was cooked to perfection ;p
here i arrange the meat with the onions, garlic, samn, and spices.
after a long process of stirring and waiting for the meats water to dry, this is how it looks like..
i add the tomato paste with the diced tomatoes
and after a while i add the water and let it cook a little..
in the mean time, i started making il 3ayeenah malat il margoog.. and after waiting for il 3ayeenah to set for around 30 min i divide it into 9 small balls and spread them out into thin layers of dough..
add each thin layer of 3ayeen to il mrigah and wait for it to cook
when its almost done u have to break up the round pieces of 3ayeen shwaya..
the end result
i wanted to take a pic of it bil serving plate bs athan o fi6arna o nesait ma thikart illa laman almost nu9ha khalla9 ;p
it was well worth those hours of hard work =D