Aug 21, 2008

The olympics

these days the TV is almost on sports channels all the time.. allah e3afeehum 3ala il olympics its so much fun to watch! oo u know which channel has the most fun mu3alliq? it's KTV3!

yes.. i do watch the olymipcs on our dear lame channel! bs il mu3alliq il ma9ry mooooo 9ij! u guys have to listen to him! e3alliq 3ala al3aab il quwa..
here are some of the things he said that really made me laugh!


someone famous oo marrocan (i have no idea who he was) was giving the medals out for a ba7rainy runner coz he won a gold medal.. oo as he was doing so, he gave him a hug:

il mu3alliq: ana kunt sakit bs dilwa2ty 7aftha7 il sir.. Dah baladiyaatoh!

medals where being handed out to women finalists.. one of the runnerups was wearing huge star shapped earings oo the winner was wearing an even huger (is that a word?) hoops:

il mu3alliq: bu9 dool 3ala singat 3ashara zay may2ooloo.. dah mush 7ala2 dah 6oo2 (6oog)

now the one who's handing the medals was kissing the winner:

il mu3alliq: bu9 dah 7ata 5ash eb 3ainha!

he's reading players names oo some a9ilhum 3araby.. i think they were french.. il muhim he gets really angry oo says: mafeesh wala2 il ayam deh.. il wala2 dilwa2ty ba2a lil dollar!

u know when its the running compitition, players don't run that fast until the last round when they really start to run like there is no tomorrow!
among them was this qatari player oo he's running really fast bil 1st rounds oo fach 3an bajy il players (6ab3an a5ir shay laman 9ar the last round 7addah 5ag oo 6afooh):

il mu3alliq: eih dah eih dah! bte3mil eih enta.. yi5rib baitik ya 3abee6!! (ok that was harsh.. but it made me laugh really hard coz i wasn't expecting to hear something like that!)

wallah u guys have to listen to him! he's on around 3:30PM chithy!

image's source


rencontrer Pauline said...

LoooooooooooooooooL A9lan me o 5wati enjoy listening to him:P

Journal Entries said...

heheh zaain ashwa 3ayal i'm not the only one!

Gee™ said...

mo3aleq o ma9ri .. ekmalat :p
i dont watch tv at all bs yabella ne6amash 3la yom ;p

Journal Entries said...

ee bil thab6! ;p

Charmbracelet said...

looool e walla mu 9iij!!!:p
sooo funny!!:p

eshda3wa said...

ee sema3te
7ada ywanes

shoosha said...

today on KTV3 the sport channel guess what t-shirt the kuwaiti mo3aleq was wearing:

One tequila
Two Tequila
Three tequila

Big Pearls said...

loool, funny:)

Journal Entries said...

wallah u should listen to him bachir lau6oofich ;P

ever since i 1st heard him i try my best not to skip his time on air!

oh my god la mashiftaah!
bs yalbisoon ayshay.. without questioning whats written!

big pearls
heheh =)

Anonymous said...

LOOOL ashwa enich geltay. ba6ali3 KTV3 ana :p

Hoodii said...

lool yaa i like listenin to him he funn :P i thout i was the only one that felt that way about him :P

Anonymous said...

I have not watched any of the Olympics but I am really enjoying reading the news here!

Journal Entries said...

killer m

lol la la ur not alone ;)

heheh 7asafah amu although i'm not a sports fan but the olympics is always fun to watch..

S-Q8 said...

mafeesh wala2 il ayam deh.. il wala2 dilwa2ty ba2a lil dollar!
7adah shakoo...LOL.. shakla 7ada Qe9ah
shawagtene..will try watching this afternoon;)

Journal Entries said...

3ad enshallah e7i6oonah today =)

Anonymous said...

loool a7ib mo3aleqen 3aba6 chethi ;p mara ga3da a6ali3 a boxing game oo kil ma wa7ed i6ig il thani il mo3aliq igol "BOH" :P fa imagine a boxing game shkether "BOHs"! u guna hear ;p

Charmbracelet said...

every day me and my mama and whoever laugh at him:p he makes my day!


Journal Entries said...

lol! la hatha ma sima3tah 7asafah!

et9adgeen 7asafah enna their almost over =/

NewQ8 Bride said...

looooool a9laan ana amoot 3aleeeeh

ma sama3te salfat deel el7o9aan (ponytail ) mooo 9ij

Ruby Woo said...

I only like watching the gymnastics.

Journal Entries said...

ruby woo
i like the swimming competitions too..

new bride
la hathy ma sima3t'ha!!

Anonymous said...

Ansam said...

LOL 6omasha
I wonder if his clips are uploaded on youtube heehee

Journal Entries said...

outcast girl

heheh 7asafah i don't know his name otherwise i'd search for his clips..

Anonymous said...

LOL!! It's true... il mu3aliqeen ili yit7achoon bil 3araby wayed awnas min il ajanib...

Journal Entries said...

heheh eee bs mo dayman.. mshallah ma yaskitoon 3ala sanna wa7dah!
sometimes u want that silence!

J o u j a™ said...

waaaai aqlab el mu3lqeeen ymwtooni mn el th7ik :P

Layla said...

LOOOOOOOL, omg yemkn eho nafsa ely sem3ta that daayy..

there was the 100m Running for ladies o wa7da mnhm has Pink hair & he was like: Bu9 Bu9 3ala sh3rha 3amel ezzaayyy!! la2aah

Journal Entries said...

lol! that exactly sounds like something he would say!