(click here for the 1st and 2nd attempts)
I simply love carrots cake.. oo i had this recipe that i've been wanting to try for a while but i always thought enna it's too difficult for me! u know.. coz i'll have to actually make the cake! not simply use SaraLee's pound cake and add some kind of topping oo 5ala9na.. la2 this was the real deal! ;p
the other day i had nothing to do so i said why not give it a shot.. at least i'm not doing it for an occasion fa if anything went wrong it's ok..
so i started off with preparing the ingredients..
and just as i was about to pour the mixture bil pan i realised that i must divide the cake batter into two pans oo i only had one! =/
i had to bake each layer seperately fa it took me around 3 hours to finish it..
but the result was compeletely worth the hassle and the wait!
my fellow bloggers.. i now present u my pride and joy..
omg i can't believe that i actually made this piece of art from scratch!
i'm soooo happy!
i'm a good cook after all! =D
and here's a link to the recipe..
yummmyyyyyy...Bil3afiya ; )
thank u amu! =D
Looks deliiiiiicious. I love carrot cake...can you give us the recipe?
i'll update the post with the link for the recipe =)
I LOVE carrot cake, shakelhaa 3ajeeb mashallah!! ma jarabt asaweehaaa.. i like to cook stakes, burgers and salty food akthar men el sweet.. it's easier u should try..
good luck with the coming attempt ;)
bl3fya girl seems ur a good cook !
bs tawni adri ena feeh carrots eb cake @@ bs thnx for recipe gotta try ;D
bravo bravo 3laiiiiiiiiich:)
I am a sucker for a red velvet cake -- I got some recipies off of the net and gave em to our cook and he failed miserably at making it -- know where i can find some?
lady, your husband is very lucky.
Aaahh.. that looks so good mashala! 3alaikom bil 3afya. I might try to make it one day. I'll just pray for the '5ilg' to pass by me 3ashan asawee. ;P
Abe I take cooking lessons!!:p ehe I would love to cook !!:p
3awafii..w good job ;)
la i'm lousy when it comes to cooking salty food..
3ad it is 3ajeebah! i had it for breakfast, with afternoon tea and for dinner!
u have to try it it's gooood =)
u mean where u can buy it from aw u want a recipe??
wow sells a reeeeaally tasty red velvet cake..
as for the recipe.. check out this link from the same site i got the carrot cakes's recipe:
hehehehhe i assure u that he's lucky just this once!! heheh ;P
allah e3afeech.. u should give it a try it's heavenly =)
heheh i'll pray for the 5ilg to pass by u oo to stay with me!
i want to take lessons too!
thanx ;)
allaaaaaah i loove carrot cake! it looks soo good :'( EULALIA! NO! THINK VEGGIES!
eeeee it's evil! =/
My speciality, its about the only thing I can bake without making a complete disaster of it. deffinatly tasty, and healthy if you nock out the sugar and oil content :P
May XX
i love i love!
make me one!
i want to marry you!
who are you?
are you man or woman?
alaah :( i want!
i'll allow you to make me
cake every day :D
you've got my permission!
alaaah ma3a chay el tha7aaa :P 5osh shay !
Clair de lune
yeah it does have lots of sugar and butter in it =/
but i guess that's what makes it gooood! ;p
wouldn't mind a healthier version though
wow my cake really had a good impression on u!!
hmmm i think making it daily is not a wise choice for the hips! ;p
tea is it's perfect match! ;)
Yuuuuuum!! and i'm loving the new header and layout. Made it yourself?
tislam eeeedich
abee abee abeeeeeeee :D
finally ur question answered ;p
if u even remember it lol
sorry 3al takheer 7uby ;***
3 hrs, must've been a yummy cake! pics look good! care to share the recipe? ye9la7 in ramdhan after fu6our ;D
that cake looks tempting:)
i love that Cake, mom used to do it all the time =D bs she stopped :(
can u send me some plz :( ;p
P.S love ur new template :D
i cant cook! my dad 7aremni men ene adesh el ma6bakh ;p .. HELLPPPP.. 3almeeeni.. let me tell you abt my cooking experiences
1. it was 2 am, i decided i want some FRENCH FRIES.. you'd think no one can mess that up.. so 7a6ait el oil 3al nar.. 3ala ma afta7 chees el french fries (elfrozen ones) awla chees kan fe SHWAYA so 7a6aithum bel pan.. ethani 7awalt aba6la chan i cut my finger.. so 93adt foug ayeeb a band aid and i forgot all about it.. shway wala ma6bakhna was on fire :S
2. i tried making boiled eggs but with burning the kitchen and all gelt ill stick to the microwave. so i put the eggs in the microwave and KABOOOOOM! :P they blow up in there and el microwave yekhtereb..
3. but i make a KILLER chocolate cake!
looks so delicious ..hanii w 3afyaaa
ruby woo
yup did it myself =)
glad u like it!
delicately realistic
allah esalmich ;)
laaaa dear no peoblem at all ;)
i'm a slow cooker! heheh
u can find the recipe by clicking on the link at the end of the post =)
big pearls
it does! heheh =)
maby it mine.. aaalll mine ;P
thanx jouj =D
OMG mo 9ij looool!
i'm with ur dad on this one!
eggs bil microwave?? looool!
hmmm i don't want ur "killet" cake.. nno thank u!! ;P
allah ehaneech bil eman oo 6a3at il ra7man ;)
9ej shakel the cake amazing..... and I love love love carrot cake!!!
Looks delicious...
And that's saying something cuz I don't like cake :P
Tislam Eedich ;)
Woow, mashala. Am loving ur banner! :D The colors are fun.
i looooooooooove carrot cake
elpic marrah ba6alah, looks yummy
yeah it's my fav =)
omg thaank u hatha kalam 5a6eeeeeer! hehehe
thaaaaaanx alot! =D
eee it's very delicious =D
sweetie 3endich recipe/tips malat baked potato nafs malat the great steak. i`m obsessed with it. bs ma3arif asaweha!
killer m
i'll look in my recipe books when i get home ;)
Mmmmmm.. I waaannt
thaanx ;)
me hungry now!!
just ate!!
looks very very delicious mashallah...bel3afya :)
i'm craving it right now =s
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