Aug 3, 2008

Why can't I understand them?!

I had a spa appointment yesterday oo la7atht enna i can NEVER understand what il masseuse says! and that happens everytime and everywhere!
they speak english with this thai-ish chinese-ish accent illy wallah min '3air mubala'3ah kil kilmah wil thanya i'm like "sorry?" oo "come again?!"
willa algi6ly 1 word oo i remain silent staring at her for 2 min trying to analyze the word & put it in a sentence! ( which i often fail miserably at!).. it's really annoying!

image's source


J o u j a™ said...

tra 9a7 ana b3d marrat afham ,,
o ag3ad atane7 and she keeps on repeating the word b3deen y9eer feeni "aaaaah" *ya3ni tawni astw3b* ;p

Ruby Woo said...

When I try and speak french, french people look at me not understanding a word i'm saying although i'm using the right words. The accent ruins my whole attempt to show off!

Amethyst said...

Tell them to speak slowly;p

Gee™ said...

ambeeh 9a7
9ej 9ej maafham shegolon ;\

Charmbracelet said...

lool..aaaw cuutie
yea she goes somethig like this :
is da pweesure gooo?? Hawdehh< harder??:p lol
I dnt know how to write it :p

Delicately Realistic said...

Last time i went, she kept on going on and on about " maaaaa-aak "

it took a while for me to realise she meant MASK

and thats just one of the words i can remember...

Delicately Realistic said...


at B&N

Journal Entries said...

heheheh hathy wayd asaweeha

ruby woo
eeeee soooo true!
me 2 when i use il cham kilmah illy a3arifha ma yifhmoon! ma3anny i try my best to say it 3adil..

ma yinfa3 =/

LOOOOOOOOOL abaaaaaih 9ij 9ij hehhehe!

delicately realistic
hehehe.. ee ana g3adat et5arbi6 ma fahamt illa scrub.. chan agoolaha yes yes.. ana 3abaly tis2al etha u i scrub at home.. 6ala3t badfa3 willa yaybatly scrub 3al counter ..athary tgooly tabeen scrub!

rencontrer Pauline said...

lool its normal everyone has own kind of english accent :P if you wanna understand them well, you better stay with them in 3 days @@

Anonymous said...

i have my friend, he teaches me their language =DDD

we practise by speaking ib their language everyday, "harlow wha6 are u d8in! om8"

Journal Entries said...

3 days chan e6la3at rooo7y!

hmm that sounds more like a philipeeny accent! heheh

Anonymous said...

embala! ohwa ye3arif yeqalid ana kila a5abi9 the same accent tone. ye3aref 7eta DJs w instruments yeqalid. he's so talented =D

Cookies said...

i dont even bother !! i just hate it when they give me this huge smile like im a total idiot !!! ya 3alkum shagool its not me its ur accent :P!

Shoush said...

I know wat u mean, hehe. The other day one of them was asking me if i wanted a french manicure, i swear it sounded nothing like french manicure. Misakeen. Accentat-hom thgeela.

Journal Entries said...

wow mashallah! wanasah!

loool u cracked me up!!
ee wallah kalamich 3ain il 9awab ;)

heheh offf 7addah!

eshda3wa said...

why would they be talking a9lan!

Journal Entries said...

ya3ni before oo after il treatment..

rencontrer Pauline said...

LooL eshd3wa 3ad:P bs jerby 3l a8al << cheena 9j

Journal Entries said...

hmmm ya3ni qa9dich a7ijiz spa treatments for 3 days in a row.. hmm.. wallah 5oosh fikrah! 3al aqal lo ma fahat shay estifadt min il treatments!!

Anonymous said...

yup... mesakeen they're soo difficult to understand... i think its frustrating for both sides you know?!

Journal Entries said...

i can only imagine how frustrating it must be repeating urself again and again!

Anonymous said...

i cant either!!!!!!! :P its like they inhale every letter!! :P

Journal Entries said...

hahaha exactly!