i'm watching today's episode of taw il lail on alwa6an tv.. they r interviewing Dr.muhammed al-hashil who works in the central bank of kuwait and the topic is about loans and interest rates.. (i once took a class in finance with him laman kint bil jam3a oo mashallah he was waaayd zain oo efahim 3adil)
anywayz, what really got on my nerves eb hal 7alqa was the way nadiya 9agir & m7amad il man9oor kept on interrupting him while he was explaining stuff by asking questions. why don't they wait for him to finish what he's saying 1st?!
oo i noticed that hathy mo awal marrah etkoon 6areeqat'hum chithy.. taqreeban everytime they have a guest on etifaninoon shloon ega63oonah... 7atan u can clearly see Dr.muhammed annoyed by that coz he gives them the "smile" ..
the show has good topics sometimes but il mothe3een ga3deen e5arboon 3alaih.. i mean, shfeeh il man9oor zayed estihbalah?! (enarfizoon)