May 25, 2009

A 30 min walk along Shuwaikh's seafront

A couple sitting on a bench facing the sea.. heads close to each other.. watching a mobile screen held in the girl's hand.. when all of a sudden she stands up, throws the mobile on the floor (zain ma 7ashna!) and walks away from him angrily.. he follows her with a pleading look on his face as they pass us by to head to the dark parking lot.

An older couple sitting on the concrete fence with the man looking at his sinnara intently as if to encourage it to catch a fish while his wife impatiently pours him yet another cup of tea.

A group of 8 guys sitting in a circle on the sandy beach with one of them playing il 3ood and having a lousy little samra that no one seemed to enjoy except for themselves.

A man wearing only emkassar shouts as the cold water touches him while he wades in the water.. he seemed to be chalanged by his friends illi were standing on the shore laughing at him.

3 women in abaya's sitting on another bench.. one of them raises her mobile and gives the screen a long kiss and sighs while her friends look at her with what seemed like envy in her eyes.

A little girl giggling as she runs away from her brother who's trying to catch her.. even though it was 11:00 PM on a school day and u can't help but wonder why r they still not asleep.

Those were some of the diverse scenarios that passed me while walking at night along Shuwaikh's seafront.. an interesting night indeed!


May 20, 2009

Spotted at a co-op

3ad ya3ni mawjood bil wayh mo tgoloon mad3oos bain il bajy o ma ebayin!
they should work on presentation, learn from Sultan Center illi ekhaloon il wa7id yishtiry ashya2 ma yabeeha min 7alat 3arth'hum!!

May 17, 2009

And we did it!

I went and got my jensiya stamped.. even though i didn't have my hopes high on the outcome, but i went anyways to prove a point. that we will never give up!

i was pleased with the most of the results.. i never expected to have 4 women win in this elections! oo la ba3ad eb marakiz mitqadmaah! =D

hope that they really make a difference.
way to go ppl! =D

May 15, 2009


So tomorrow is the big day!
get ur jinsiya's ready o VOTE!
la e7ooshkum il ya2s o etithaigaloan il rou7a.. only YOU can make a difference!

tadroon shino a7la shay?

enna the haunting persistent phone calls will stop!
no more hearing the stupid question "a7i6 9a7 yam esmich?" or the so called " sharikat estibyan" illy just doing some "studies" 3ala mino bakhtar!
oo no more million msgs bil digeega from a candidate, kha9atan illy lajnitah il nisa2iyah spoke to u o asked u if u want to be informed with a msg when a nadwa is coming up o u specifically told them not to. way to go for ignoring raghbat il nakhib!

anyways, wish u all an easy trouble free voting process! ;)

image's source

May 11, 2009

Spring cleaning – Part 2

Illy ektishaf il space bags is a genius! Nuq6a!

I got me some when I was on a trip abroad from a store called " the container store" which has everything that u can think of when it comes to storing and organizing ur house. Everything u can imagine is there! It's like u died and went to Monica's heaven!!

I stored the winter clothes in those space bags and vacuumed the air out of them. What was a huge bulk was neatly slimmed down oo easily stored away leaving so much space for my summer wardrobe.

I wish someone brings this shop here to Kuwait. It's just so amazing!

May 6, 2009

Spring cleaning – Part 1

The past few days were hectic with me doing some spring cleaning and letting go of the clothes that have been hanging in there for more than two years without being touched once.

Parting away with some of my clothes was really hard! As much as I try to stick to that 2 years rule I can't help hesitating and thinking enna laaa I might need it later on.. fa usually I fail miserably in getting rid of them!

Bs this year was different. I came across words of wisdom that i found on a post on Re-nest that were so good it made me star that post for future refrence.

It said that u must practice SHED. Which is an abbreviation for "Separate the treasures, Heave the trash, Embrace your identity and connect to who you are without your stuff, and Drive forward"

So I wrote SHED on a paper and put it in front of me to motivate me everytime I had doubts, o it worked! i finally got rid of some of the items that i had for (gasp) 6 years!! =D

bye bye u once-upon-a-time loved pieces. hope u find a better home where u be of help to a person in need..
