Jul 22, 2008

The Dress and I

It all started last march when i was in Selfridges.. i saw this beautiful dress but being the very hesitated person that i am, i didn't know if i should get it or not fa meshait 3annah.. 2 days after i got back to Kuwait without buying it bs suddenly i had this urge inside of me .. i want that dress!

good thing my mother was still there, so i told her to buy it for me.. and guess what? it was sold out =(
i've seen the same dress in Liberty fa i asked mom to go there (maskeena mom 7abeebty mashwart'ha!) bs ham they only had one in a size smaller =/
3ad al7eeeeen '3ala zood eb 3ainy! 9ar i have to have it, i have got to have it!
i even searched the net but couldn't find it..

last may when i went on a short trip to Dubai i found it in Boutique One, my smile grew bigger and bigger as i approached it, only to have it fade away as i see that it was a size bigger.. esh hal garadah!?

last week while shopping in Istanbul, as i entered a shop there i gasped in disbelief, there it was right infront of me, there it was in all it's glory.. i almost ran towards it, searched for the tag and it was my size!! i took it off the rack almost hugging it "u'r mine! u'r mine!"

yes my dear dress.. u'r finally mine.. your here.. a few steps away, hanging proudly in my closet right this second, waiting to be worn..

oh and did i mention that i got it for half the price??! ;P

and here's the dress:


FourMe said...

Excuse Me!! What are you waiting for?! We want a pic ASAP!! shelay 9orat el3alagat elfathya w 76ay 9orat the dress NOW woman NOW!

Anonymous said...

allaah perfect ending!!... I'm hesitant too... are you an aries by any chance? because we tend to havethe hesitant quality;p

Anonymous said...

allaah perfect ending!!... I'm hesitant too... are you an aries by any chance? because we tend to have the hesitant quality;p

Charmbracelet said...

wanasaaa ee nbe nshoofa !!:*

eshda3wa said...

come onn
show us a pic of the dress!!

Fastidious Babe said...

ah the dress was meant to be urs.. thats what i always say.. if its urs then ur gonna get it! XD can u take a pic! i got all worked up aba ashoofa XD

doona said...

mabrook 3laich :)

o methel ma ygoloon, kil ta25eera feeha 5eera :)

Journal Entries said...

hehehe that's all part of the suspense

nope i'm a taurus

hmm maybe u will, maybe u won't!;P

maybe i will, maybe i won't!!!

fastidious babe
yeah that's the 1st thing my sis said to me =)

allah ebarik feech! ee wallah 9ajjah!

Shoush said...

5eera sb7an Allah. ;P

3alaaaaich ib aaaaalf 3afya babe!

Big Pearls said...

show ud that dress now..come on..be fair:p

Journal Entries said...

allah e3afeech =D

big pearls
mo a5af if i did i compromise my identitiy! ;P

J o u j a™ said...

i wanna see that dress :D

Amethyst said...

Your determination was rewarded;)

Fastidious Babe said...

ur such a teaaaaase! just snap a pic or get us a pic online or something :P

Eulalia said...

hiya!! wanasa! i had the same thing with a dress i wanted..im still lookin though :(

Gee™ said...

LOL, malboos el 3afya inshalla ;p
enzain waina 5anshoofa 3ad ;p

Journal Entries said...

i might post a pic later on

heheh il 7imdillah =)

fastidious babe
hehe ok i will later on today ;p

enshallah u'll find it.. just keep looking =)

allah e3afeeech =D

Anonymous said...

malbooos el3afya ;)


Charmbracelet said...

Its reallly cutee babe! Love it ;)
bs tlbseena broo7a 9a7 I mean no leggings no jeans 97?:p

Journal Entries said...

allah e3afeeech

ee ee akeeed!
i don't have the length of a model so this dress falls right below my knees! (shiftay shloon il gi9ir mofeed?!)

Journal Entries said...

waaaaai3 leggings would totally kill the dress =S

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOOOW stunning dress! who is the designer?


Charmbracelet said...

ee 7adda coz I know some tall ppl struggle finding dresses lain the knees!=p 3alaich bil 3afyaa;*

Charmbracelet said...

W I hate leggns!! I wore them once! Madre :s some ppl do that u never know :/ :p no offense :p lol

Fastidious Babe said...

malboos il3afya girl! such a cute find! xx

NewQ8 Bride said...

waaaay eshaweg 7ada o ystaahal el t3b hehe 3aleech bl3afya

Ansam said...

3alaich bel3afia
very nice dress

Journal Entries said...

thaaanx.. it's erdem

hehe ee tall ppl are misakeen! (killish mo mi7tarrah!)

fastidious babe,new bride & ansam
allah e3afeeekum thanx alot! =D

k town said...

mashalla its reallyy nice!!
3alaych bil 3afia;*

Anonymous said...

how gorgeous is that dress ..go all retro with the liner ala so'ad hossini <3

Journal Entries said...

thanx dear allah e3afeech =)

ohhhh 3ad i love su3ad 7usny =)

Gee™ said...

mashalla, zooqa .. 7ada cute o na3em
yestahl hal loya eli 9arat ;p

ba hathi mo entai .. yalla 3ad nabi 9orta o oho 3lech ;Pp

Fashionated said...

whose it by?? i saw it a while ago in a magazine and i luvd it..enjoy ur meant to be dress ;)

Journal Entries said...

thaaanx =)
hahah '3aly wil 6alab r5ee9!! ;Pp

it's by Erdem.. thanx alot i will! ;)

J o u j a™ said...

this is the cutest dress ever
3leech eb alfa 3afya sweets

Journal Entries said...

thank u 7abeebty =D

Anonymous said...

3alaich bil 3afya!
i tried on that same dress at boutique one when it first came out..loved it..but felt like a little girl in it for some reason..am sure it looks lovely on you though ;)

Journal Entries said...

allah e3afeech.. thanx dear.. i have to admit it's too girly! but i love it =)

Journal Entries said...

thank u ;)

Anonymous said...

lool so funny!! b3deen '3rebah you found that dress all over the stories !! usually mo kether ytkarar al Design

I wanna see it :(

Journal Entries said...

yeah 7addah '3areebah!
3ad i just took off the pic.. i'll post it again 4 u! =)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.